Good Morningmorning Sir,

I'm writing to you on behalf
Ofof Miss Linda Batchelder, and I believe you're his fianceher fiancé and business partner, according to the information she gave me.

I hope she has explained the whole situation to you and we need to act fast if we are going to act because I can't hold this for too long,
I also
Informedinformed her that after you guys make the full payment, I will be the one to Initiateinitiate the transfer into twothe two different accounts, she. She suggested that $1,000,000.( One million Dollars)000 (one-million dollars) should be transfertransferred into your account and the rest to her own account,. I think itit's a good idea.

I was the one that told her to send me your details so I can talk to you as a man
, she. She was lucky that she is Bankingbanking with us, a. A lot of contractors hadhave fallen to thisas Foreign Tax victimvictims and their account has been frozen while the case will beis in court for a couple of months or a year. I will be lookinglook forward to hearing from you, sir, don't. Don't hesitate
to write back if you've any question, Sir.

Thank you

Micheal Schuh

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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