Cyber Attacks
Let's begin with an attack that iswas technically a DDOSDDoS attack that hit power supply systemsystems in California and Wyoming And makes itmaking them turn off and the city was. The cities were without power for one hour, but it could behave been longer if the cybersecurity team didn't protect us from this attack.

If you want to study
the cybersecurity, you need to getbe accepted at Jeddah university in the preparation year youUniversity. You need to get high marks in the preparation your GDPyear. Your GPA must be higher than 4.5 and after this you'llin order to be accepted.

The people like thePeople like cybersecurity because it safemakes their data safe and protectprotects them from DDoS attacks and the otherothers don't like it because they think it is not good for their privacy.

, I want to study cybersecurity because it is my passion and iI want to protect my countrycountry's data.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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