I am Rex Keene and It'sit's October 23, 1967. I went out to get the mail on May 13, 1967, and I saw a small envelope with my name on it. I opened it and inside there was this long letter talking about how I had been drafted into the war and I needed to be ready in 3 months. As I walked inside, I threw out the junk mail and walked into the kitchen to show my fiance, Donna, she. She read it and told me that I did not have to go and; I could stay here and protest. I told her that the war was not that bad right now and it would be good for me to go and help my country, but what I did not tell her was that I was scared because I had never thought about having to go to war and leave my family and friends and help save my country. At first, I thought about not going and doing what Donna said, but I decided to go and help my country. As I was inIn Vietnam it was pretty scary,; there was this musty smell and there was always a reddish-brown colored fog in the air whenwhich you wouldcould smell that. Every few seconds, you would hear a gunshot, then some people scream, it. It was not very pleasant, but it was what it was.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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