HavingMaking interpretations ofabout the things we see, read, or hear is how weour minds are constructed. It is embedded in usWe are destined to form opinions and make interpretations when we watch the news, watch our favorite movie, hear something on the media or read a story. weWe all have a different interpretation of itinterpretations. As long as we have an opinion, it is embedded in us to make the meanings of the things that we see, hear or read. Specifically, in literature, when we read something, whether it is a story, a poem or an essay, there areis no right or wrong way to interpret it. It is how we perceive the information that is given to us and what we do with that information. We cannot be wrong for having an opinion or view about something because that is just what our mindminds interpreted. There are usually several interpretations when it comes toin terms of the themes a story is implying or the author’s purpose for writing thatthe piece. Two pieces that I found multiple themes in are “Hanging Fire” a poem by Audre Lorde, and “Mother to Son” a poem by the great Langston Hughes. Lorde's poem deals with the theme of experiences, family life and coming of age, while Hughes’ poem deals with experience, innocence, and family life. I believe that for a story or a poem to be competent, the readers have to be able to form thoughts on different meaningmeanings behind the what they are reading. Any great writer will leave the space open for the reader to develop their own interpretation and engage in the reading, rather when the story or piece hashaving only one meaning, and we as the reader cannotnot being able to form ourtheir own judgment of it.
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