Vandalism is the systematic partial or total destruction of works of art and culture.

The term came from the German Vandal tribe, who used to attack artworks from their conquests during their attacks. They mostly destroyed statues, but as the time passed they moved on to more extensive destructions that included other forms of art as well.

AsWhen it comes to vandalism, the object, becomes damaged as a result of the act, and remains in place right after the act. This may distinguish it from art destruction and iconoclasm, where it may be wholly destroyed and removed, and; or art theft, or looting.

ELAWIATR, the living sculpture, scultura vivente, as an
Artworkartwork, as a living sculpture of extreme beauty, was an object of admiration and desire for thousands of years. Throughout timetime she was attacked, and vandalized as traditionalists and conservatives accused her of immorality and of undermining values. Lately she was destructed during an extensive looting.

Every piece of ELAWIATR’s body in our time is priceless and adored.

were exhibited parted from the rest of her body, as a result of the violent removal of the sculpture from the eastern pediment of the homonymous temple, where she was resting for the last 2.500 years. The rest of the body remains in its original place while waiting for UNESCO’s intervention for reuniting it with the rest.

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