The moment Daeyang opened his eyes into the complicated world was framed as the best memory in his mind; he laid in the hospital bed and stared tointo the emptiness. He was the epitome of their joy and happiness, however. However, he failed to be a reason to keep feelthem together. When, as one by one mishap knocksmishaps knocked on the door of his life and many things turned upside down. Hence, once the little boy wished for something magical to happen and when a little boy always had a string ofhas a fertile imagination, ― tohe can pull off the fantasy creation in theirfrom inside his head into the realityreal world. It could be everyone’s dreams;, as it will come true. However, for Daeyang, he wished nothing but he wantswanted to get rid of it ― the curse lieslay in his body. He cancould see the unseen thing, and he cancould hear something other people can’tcouldn’t. He was 11 years old and it was too early for him to handle many unnatural things and feelinghe felt seeping into his skin; hungrily. Eating him emotionally and letletting him drown in the misery land. Which able to triggermiserable world, triggering his mental health; it could be worse with the mix ofissues and making his illnesshealth worse. He lived in hisa chaotic life in chaotic. He was hospitalized upon towhen he fell from the first floor one and weirdly, he only gothad a few bruises and no broken legs or major injures. The doctor said he iswas lucky but it meansmeant nothing because he knew that ‘thing’ iswas protecting him. Since thenAfter that, he knew ‘it’ doesn’tdidn’t want to harm him and slowly he accepted it ― the gift of his unnatural ability.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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