My concept of English Language Arts changed in realizing the depth of the complexity of understanding that it involves oral, written and communication that with literacy. I learned how rooted student’s language development involves social dialogue and the plethora of multi-literacy resources. I can assess to see if students are within their zone of proximity in developing their ability in reading, writing, and speaking. Their comprehension can analyze the student’s literacy skills and assess the student to implement extra support to those students struggling with their literacy. Observing students make sure they are expanding their literacy by verbalizing and composing within the four language systems: phonological, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic. They are sharing personal responses with other readers through dialogue and working to promote the children’s learning experiences.
When teaching
, I did not realize how essential phonics is for childrenchildren's learning. I must know students recognize how to pronounce sounds distinctly when reading using phonemes combinations. Classrooms today require a multicultural approach by using technology to develop skills and learn about the world. Educators need to adapt their instruction to the diverse needs of students by integrating technology. Technology can be a tool to support English Language Learners and students with IEP’s.
an educatoreducators, we need to illustrate to the students a practical context of text significant to societal and cultural concepts peers to create a community. As educators, we need to promote students’ critical thinking and include opportunities for the student’s engagement in dialogue and discussions with student-student and student-teacher communication. The way students express their understanding of the literature is essential for teachers to know if students understand the concept of the story. When Thechoosing the books we read to children, we need to consider the level of critical literacyliteracy they will promote in the students.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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