My favourite movie is Inception, a film offrom 2010, which was written and directed by Christopher Nolan. I don’t consider it to be a simple film or the best movie ever, but a true work of art. It is no coincidence that he won four Oscar AwardsOscars. Being fascinated by the dream world, iI adored this film.
It’s very difficult to explain how complex, original and compelling
is the idea behind the film is: Inception tell abouttells the story of a theft in the mental dimension. This thriller movie is based on the idea that in dreams every perception appears real and that in the subconscious they can hydehide and consequently discover the most hidden secrets. Every human being is able, in hishis/her dreams, to create a world from nothing at the exact moment when the dream itself manifests itself. The true essence of the film, according to Nolan, is the fact that an idea installed in our mind can represent the most resistant and powerful parasite and that the idea that someone can have the ability to invade our dreams, in the real sense of the term, and to steal ideas, even the most private, is extremely fascinating.
I especially loved this film
:, first of all, for the terrific interpretation of the actor Di Caprio; afterwards, next for the splendid soundtrack of the German composer Hans Zimmer; and lastly for the reference to the architectural paradoxes of Escher (like the Pensrose scale), a Dutch artist that I admire very much.

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