Yesterday I stumbled upon a news story on Google,: an 8 yeareight-year old in Pakistan was apprehended by the police in Pakistan. She’s nonot the first traffic violation offender and the police are planning on enforcing a strict punishment to set an example out of her. One must wonderingwonder what an 8 yeareight-year old can possiblecould possibly have done so wrong for her to now face legal consequences.consequences? Her traffic violation stemmed out from her father health beingfather's deteriorated health, and she was left with no option, other thenthan to step up and to taketake on a role as sole breadwinner for her family.

After months of convincing her father to
let her drive his water tanker, while living under extreme poverty, andwith the family left withhaving no other source of income or any government assistance in third world countries like Pakistan to survive. Her, her father was left with no option thenexcept to provide her the training. The 8 yeareight-year old drove the water tanker every day for the total of 10-12 hours. to earn wages as there is no government assistance in third-world countries like Pakistan to rely on to survive.

When she was approached by the news, she innocently stated
themto them that she couldn’t barebear the thought of losing her father and, her mother to worry about the family who were often left with starvation, sometimes fewfor a few days at a time. She also telltold them she knew and was aware of the safety risk ofrisks to others, but she did the best she cancould, and that it was out of her desperation as she couldn’t bareand not being able to bear the thought of her familyfamily's struggles, and that it was only temporarily until her father’s health recoveryrecovered. She said she loves going to school and one day in hopehoped to join the army and make her parents and the country proud.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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