This image is from the 19th century. The image is not high quality and it is a little blurry, but to be from that moment it is super shocking how you could still capture moments, even though it was not of the best quality. The interesting thing about this process is that it is one of the first photographic processes carried out by man, and it has left its mark in the history of photography, but it is not sovery well known. The photo is a bitquite small, isreally not that big, isat about 9cm x 8cm. This photograph was taken by the tintype process and was described by Adolphe-Alexandre Martin in 1853, and later in 1856, Hamilton Smith patented the process in the United States, andas did William Kloen in the United Kingdom by William Kloen.

The tintype was used to document the Civil War and the terrible battle scenes.
WhenIn it came to the 60’s it began1860s higher quality prints began and tintype started to lose artistic and commercial ground. There were totwo ways to obtain this process, wet and dry, working in two different ways. In both these both processes, the image was produced in the emulsion, and the part of the photo that didn’t have silver (that is was the(the darkest areas) was turned black, andwhereas before it was transparent.

The good thing about this process is that
not only was the price at that moment was not onlytime inexpensive, but it was “quick” to take. A photographer could take the photo and even develop it and give it to the customer in a couple of minutes. Most of the tintype portraits that were taken in a formal photographic studio. As I mentioned before, there were many advantages to it. It was very simple and easy and it was cheap to produce, and that is why you could take many photographs and no longer used itdo so only for a special dayoccasion, and startthey started to become common.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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