End of 2019, where it all begins
came as a wave,
Attacksattacking people around the world with the pains,
spreadspreading like greased lightning without tolerance.

Our days changed 360°
Fromfrom being free to being quarantinequarantined
Inin order to avoid disease.
PullPulling through now is indispensable.

No more hugs
Nono more handshakes.
Keep the social distance
Forfor everyone, goodness sake.

Some people may lose their jobs
Yetyet there is hope.
Let’s put our faith in God

Willthat He will stop this catastrophe.

The struggle is going on
thus we need to be strong
even when we walk alone
that Covid-19COVID-19 will not last long.

WeIf we fight together against it,
Thenthen we shall overcome it.
We break the chain together,
Beatbeat it till vanish'til vanished forever.

The day will come
Triumphtriumph over the virus,
Freedomfreedom from the battle.
Wash away all the tears
Anguishanguish from all this mess.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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