Nowadays , some people, like the author Aldous Huxley did, believe that the only thing they can be certain of, it’sis their own self - improvement. As I see it , this is true, because human beings have the opportunity to enhance themselves and make the world a better place, thanks to small individual actions and decisions. For example, they can practice positive self-talk, cultivatingcultivate a new habit, avoidingavoid negative relatives , start meditating, walking barefoot in the nature, hugging trees and respecting animals. Personal development is doable, as a matter of fact, it does not depend on external circumstances, which can’t be completely controlled. Other individuals instead believe they can improve others and think they can manage circumstances that are out of their control, and they spend much of their energy trying to dominate other humans . However, this is not always possible. For example, when I was a child , one day my aunt scolded me because she wanted to enhancemake me, grow, but iI didn’t listen to her ,; as a matter of fact, her desire to criticize me hurt my pride. In conclusion, the only thing that people can completely control are their own actions and their personal growth. Every person is different, and not everyone is willing to improve their behavior . All citizens should have the right to decide if they need to turn their life around, even if it’s a bit difficult. Workers usually don’t have the time to reflect, and if they have it , they prefer watching TV instead of doing creative activities, staying with the family their families or meditating. The societySociety transforms them likeinto machines whothat do the same actions every day, and they prefer being slaves of a bad system instead of finding their purpose and improving their life.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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