Firstly, even with a worldwide pandemic, which has had a big impact on everyone's life nowadayslives, it is very hardnearly impossible for the responsible authorities to completely ban protests. Although there have been some attempts to do so, but they were distributeddenied by the courts. The particular reason for this circumstance is, that the courts have thea duty to guard the basic human rights. In; in this case the, freedom of speech. But this kind of protest has attracted many people. Therefore, in my opinion, it is very irresponsible to let thisso many people gather at the same place. Even if there are strict rules, such as wearing a face mask and keeping social distance, itthere is not promisedno guarantee that everyone is going towill follow them.

It could be argued that everyone has the right to fight for their own opinion, but the
generalpublic health concern also has to be also considered. For; for example a, further spread of the virus has a great impact on the economy. In addition, it heavily affects the elderly people, whose health is the most affectedfragile. Another argument against the protests is, that the virus can not end when the demonstrators are not following the required rules to keep everyone safe.

Considering all the aspects that have been mentioned, I think that
, while completely banning the protestprotests of the lateral thinkers would restrict the basic human rights. But, in this case, the general health of all the people is more important. The demonstratordemonstrators can spread their opinionopinions in other ways. For example, the internet has a lot of possibilities where they canopportunities to reach many people, and through petitions, they can even get noticed by the courtsgovernment. This is safesafer for everyone and would result a slower spread of the virus.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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