My new character, Kumiko, pops up in the middle of the story, wherewhen Nathaniel is eating with his new friends inat a restaurant. While eating, they overhear the waiter arguing with a girl. Out of curiosity, they all stand up and go towhere the quarrel is taking place. When they arrive at the table, Harun asks the waiter what the problem is. "She drinkshas been drinking here for hours and doesn't want to leave the restaurant!" says the waiter, furious. "Kumiko?" Freya says, surprised. "Yep, that’s me." Freya can't believe her eyes. Kumiko, who was once her best friend, is drunk inat a restaurant. Kumiko is a shy girl, but with Freya she always felt as if she could be herself. They used to be so close, but then she was offered a job inat a dance room in another country. It was her dream to become a dancer, although her parents did not appreciate thatapprove. “Why can't you be a doctor, or a lawyer?" they would they keep saying, butasking her. But Kumiko never wanted that, she wanted to follow her dreams. So, she did that. "I didn't know you drink," mentionssays Freya. "There is a lot that you haven’t knowndon't know about me, and a lot has changed since the last time we spoke." The waiter disrupts their conversation. "Do you recognize this girl?" Hehe asks Freya. "Absolutely, we were best friends, but as she was offered a job -" the waiter interrupts her before she couldcan end her sentence. "I don't mind how you know each other, but make sure she leaves the restaurant." The waiter had left before Freya could reply. After an uncomfortable silence, Freya asks Kumiko to hang out and chat with her new friends Harun and Nathaniel. "Sounds like a plan," says Kumiko, and at that moment they all realizedrealize that not three, but four friends had lost their way, but four.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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