Right now, one of the most important is technological industries is gaming. According to Conrad (2011), computer game addiction generally refers to an excessive, unhealthy amount of time spent playing games. Engaging in the realvirtual world, an addicted user devotes the majority of his or her time to gaming. Gaming addiction is becoming more prevalent and uncontrollable. Gaming addiction has evolved into a mysterious phenomenon that is still difficult to handlecontrol, far more so than drug or alcohol addiction. In addition, Cardiff Business School's Dr. Shumaila Yousafzai (2009) stated that popular online video games warnedwarn players not to overuse their products. Yousafzai also said that these warning messages suggest that the online video game industry might knowbe aware how high the percentage of over-users is, how much time gamers spend playing and what specific features make a particular game more engageengaging and addictive than others. Cyber psychologist Dr. Zaheer Hussain of the University of Derby, on the other hand, believes that warning messages are insufficient. As a first step, online game developers and publishers should analyze the structural elements of the game design, such as character creation, rapid absorption rate, and multi-player functionality, which can make games addictive or problematic for certain players (Hussain, 2008). Parents all over the world are worried about their children's online gaming habits. They know there's a problem, but counselors who aren't familiar with online gaming addiction don't realize how seductive it can be (Young, 2009, p.4). According to Fraser (2012), adolescents are among the most vulnerable to video game addiction. According to researchers, they may become aggressive if they take theirtheir "drug" is taken away. Addiction to online gaming is also associated with other mental health issues such as anxiety, and depression, and difficulty formingcan cause problems during adolescence and for the formation of healthy relationships, and adolescence. It becomes easy to engross themselvesfor players to become engrossed in this immersive fantasy world, which helps them avoid the issues in their everyday lives.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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