Dear sir/maSir/Madam,
HopeI hope this email meetsfinds you well.
I am writing to urge leniency in my sentence,
i I respectfully request that you consider reinstating my awareness course.
I plead guilty to the charge.
I consent to being heard without attending court myself.
Furthermore, I apologise for speeding.
I realise the danger iI may have caused, and I have modified the way I drive.

I work with
NhsNHS, Frimley Park Hospital, as an engineer, this very day iI was called to come to work earlier because Networkthe network was down,
is an application called Picis, without this software working many people would die, because Picis is a global provider of clinical information solutions, that automate
the entire perioperative experience with one
contiguouscontinuous patient record, from pre-op assessment checklists to anaesthesia software through PACU.
We have
got a lot of Covid patients on oxygen, so iI had to rush to work to safesave some souls.
I live in Kent
, and iI work in Surrey, unfortunately, I was not in Kent when iI was offered an awareness course.
I moved to Surrey due to
the high volume of sick people, and at that moment iI was also having issues with my partner.
Not only that, but I'd already moved to Frimley
, and when the awareness letter was sent to me, I was not in Kent, I was in Surrey, working notunemployed until I reconciled with my partner
and I moved back to Kent,
by then it was too late to register for the awareness course.
I have decided not to come to court
, because I work extra hours, we have been busy in the hospital due to the Covid Omicron variant Is Highly Infectious/being highly infectious.
Variant Is Spreadingvariant is spreading rapidly, and we have to be on standby, because the Omicron variant cases hashave increased in hospital admissions.
Please take this into consideration when reviewing my case.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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