The essay today is about a philosophical and ethical question. whetherWhether we would sacrifiedsacrifice life to save another life?
topic is the autonomous vehicles that are going to be realistic in a short time.
LetsLet’s take an imaginationlyimaginary case, for example: there is a trolley going down the tracks, on the tracks there are five people tied up and unable to move, the trolley is going to hit them.
You are in the
controllingcontrol room, you have the posebiltypossibility to pull the lever and the trollytrolley will switch to another track, but you notice that on this track there is a man that cancould be hurt.
nowNow you have two options, one man is going to be hurt or five.
LetsLet’s take anther hypotheticanother hypothetical situation: there is a trial for murder and the judge has a problem to decidein deciding who is guilty, outside. Outside of the court room there are rioters demanding that the judge will find someone guilty, the. The rioters threaten that if the court will not determine for a death penlantypenalty, they are going to take revenge by killing five people from that community.
meaningMeaning that if the judge wants to save five people he needs to sentencingsentence one innocent man to death.

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