Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

Those who are drowning in luxury are blinded by reality. J.D. Salinger critiques the shallowness of materialism that emerged post WWII in A Perfect Day For Bananafish. The mysterious tone and quick dialogue allow for indirect characterization, so the reader can explore the bubble in which the charac.....

• Intake of foods with low FODMAP limitlimits the absorption of carbohydrates
• Lower gas production
equalequals low bloating
• The diet
cutcuts back colonic agitation and lowers gas production
• lowers• Lowers the serum levels, promoting cell development and differentiation
• lowering• Lowering fecal bacteria, depletes fecal b.....

Dear Sir,
My name is
asdzAsdz, and I am pleased to apply for a position of ana lifeguard assistant, which I saw advertised in my English book.
I feel I have the required qualifications. I am 21 years old. I was born in Warsaw located in Poland where I
constantly currently live with my parents and sister. I hav.....

Assalamu Alaikum Sir,
I was selected as an EXIM Scholar (Session 2018-19) in
Nov-2019November 2019 from Dept. of Development Studies, University of Dhaka. My Professor informed me that it would cover both of my Hon's and Master's programmes. I was very happy thinking that I needn't worry about my tuition fees .....

Although the books are very similar, therethey are stillalso very different. In the Percy Jackson series, punishment is given out to those who deserve it, while Harry Potter characters are freed from any form of retribution. James Potter was remembered as a hero rather than a hero and his abusive family waswere not held accountabl.....

It is an Limited Liability Companya limited liability company established in 2008 and headquartered in Abu Dhabi, UAE, with a strong intention of providing professional and quality services for the holidays. PALM OASIS TRAVEL is developing a unique travel portal by using the cutting edge technology, including AirAirline Tickets, Hote.....

I am interested in the CELTA certification for many reasons, one of which is to improve my teaching skills. I have been teaching for over thirteen years at the Karachi American School where I had the opportunity to teach students of different age groups with different abilities and backgrounds. .....

Hallo Leute,
ich habe letzte Woche an der Debatte Schule der Zukunft teilgenommen.
Ich habe von der Debatte in der Schule erfahren. Mein Freund hat
mirmich letzte Woche dazu eingeladen.
mag diskutierendiskutiere und sprechen gerne mit Menschen. Ich wollte teilzunehmenteilnehmen.
Ich habe gesagt, dass meiner Meinung
nach die.....

Recently, technological advances and unluckymisfortune, in the form of the Covid-19 pandemic, have changed the daily habits of billions of people around the world. This has been reflected in the way we work, weand shop, and how we connect to other people. Technological progress creates demand for the use of d.....

5115/84 Belmore Street
, Ryde 2112
NSW Sydney Australia
Re: Partner Visa Issuance
Good Day,
I am writing this email in regards to my Subclass 309/100 Visa
We AppliedI applied (along with my now spouse) for this visa on 10th10 May 2021 and have been in a relationship since March 2021. WMy spo.....

A further mention should be made, that Simon was not physically a beautiful face, let alone possesspossessed a statuesque body. In fact, he is chubby without being fat and with a hard and wrinkled face., Aa voluminous mustache and even a double chin. He did not impose on sight, the presence of an Adonis.

1. When a researcher is goingintends to constructconduct a quantitative research it first has tostudy, they must first put a sampling plan ininto action. A sampling plan helps to figure out how many participants are required for the research and how many will be selected (Polit & Beck, 2017). A Samplingsampling plan includes population, sam.....

The porpoise is an endgagedendangered species living in the baltic seaBaltic Sea. They live alone altoughalthough they sometimes form groups. They communicate using echolocation. The Animalanimal is very shy and keeps its distance from others. It is very mysterious, and we don't know much about it. NowdaysNowadays, these isthere are only 500 po.....

Lectio Divina is also known as divine reading. It involves reading scriptures, mediation, and prayer. Therefore, the passage I chose to do for this assignment is Psalm 100. Oftentimes, I find myself distracted, thatand I forget to worship God, so I chose this passage to meditate on. Doing this experimen.....

I live in a detached house in the suburbs. It has one floor, a basement with its own entrance, a garage, a carport, a small attic which we don't really use, a driveway, and a big garden that my mom loves. In the basement is where my grandparents live. They liveThey've lived there ever since me and me and mymy mom move.....

Dear Sue Williams.,

I thank you for your email regarding my daughter's British passport application (
Sundus Abdulqadir NURNUR). I know that her certificate shows her name as Sundus Abdulqadir Nur Mohamed. But, but she can't use my grandfather's name. She can use my father's name, which is Nur not Mohamed, I.....

Golden hours 🌙🌕

I really miss the old days where I was so happy
. ... where the last moon of autumn guided me to the other side of the sky where everything was beautiful and shine.everything shined ...

I really miss my old self
, when I was loved and cared about, when the golden sun came every night ins.....

Cher client,

vousVous êtes sans doute déjà au courant des derniers événements qui ont eu un impact si important sur les économies du secteur européen de la céramique.

Les principaux facteurs de ce qui semble être une "tempête parfaite" sont le gaz, l'énergie, les matières premières, le transport et

How are you doing? I am a freelance writer with a special interest in content creation. I have realized we share a similar academic field. I can assist in your academic work, through my services. I create content that is original, well researchedwell-researched, and perfectly designed specifically to your tastetastes an.....

Greetings Ms Lam,

I apologise for such an issue occurring during your appointment on January 20.

The wifi problem that happened during your last session was in interference of two wifi systems of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. I have talked to Fanny Law and discovered that HK Internet Service installed th

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