Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

Our product development staff has come up with a breakthrough new product, a phone answering machine that answers the phone, screens the calls and, by the voice activation, routes the call to an appropriate message and gives a busy signal

I'm writing to inform you that I have been feeling unwell fromfor the past 2two weeks, due to whichan acute attack of Lowerlower back pain, headache, metabolism &and sleep related health problems. iI am facing difficulty to report toin reporting for work. I have been diagnosed with a sever case of vitamin deficiencies in B12&D,.....

afterAfter observing the vichelevehicle for more than 5 minuteminutes, I approached the driver, asking if he had paid for the items already. heHe then stated that he was waiting on a customer to pay for the items, he's just picking them up. I then returned to my station where I proceeded with my activities, still keepi.....

mostMost countries of the world have instituted temporary restrictions on travel with an eye
slowslowing the spread of this new disease within China and throughout the rest of the
world. The
united statesUnited States has seen a dramatic reduction in the number of travellers from
China, especially from
hubeiHubei province. At leas.....

Suite à monau piratage de mon ancienne page Facebook (certifié)(certifiée), j'ai demanderdemandé à Facebook de certifiécertifier celle-ci.
à refusera refusé ma demande (presque immédiatement) sans étudier le pavais que j'avais écrisécrit, vu que toutetout est géré par des ROBOTS ! etEt bien sûr, aucune adresse pour les contacter.
Bien entend

The 'OR' operator is used to combine synonym terms that increase search sensitivity. The 'AND' operator is used to combine the components of a research question) PICO/PECOquestion (PICO/PECO framework), this. This will limit the search and thus increase the search accuracy for retrieving related articles. It is usually not recom.....

Vous avez fait appel à notre association le 16/02/2021 pour votre projet de création de site internet pour votre activité de manucure à Maraussan.
Nous vous avons livré le
site, par le billetbiais de notre prestataire « OVH », un hébergement web ainsi qu’un nom de domaine. Celui-ci àa été clôturé, et le no.....

weeks while you're on a business trip. thiswouldThis would be the perfect solution, all you need to do is park your car in astanleya Stanley robotics car garage and walk away; later on a robot will come by and retrieve your car, placing it in a secure location until you need it againwhenagain. When you' re ready to drive hom.....

After I graduated, I worked as an administrative assistant and that improved my skills on the administration side. On the other hand, I developed my interest in fashion,; I was following up on trends and innovation in the fashion world, especially since this field needs constant reading and being upd.....

The reason behind the introduction of a master's degree at Politecnico di Milano University is due to my strong desire to fulfill my dream of studying fashion design.
Since childhood, I have had an interest in fashion
, so. I used to make accessories for my hair and clothes, and my family supported me wi.....

Regarding the part of my commission, that's fine with me. I don't have a problem with that.

On section nine, I would recommend that we can add there in the wording
, that isif the Buyer decides to go ahead and buy with a stock purchase agreement that the Buyer has the right to do that, to redraw anoth.....

Every person has a troubled heart at some point in their lives, whether it’s a specific hour, day, or time. It’sFor some people, it’s similar to heartburn for some people, whichthat never seems to go away, no matter what they do. When our hearts are upset, we rarely know what to do. We start to be concerned and stressed abou.....

Il y a environ cinq ans, après avoir réfléchi pendant plusieurs jours, j’ai décidé de déménager en ville, c’était. C’était une étape difficile et puissante pour une femme qui a été élevée et a vécu toute sa vie dans leun village, mais j’ai été obligée de chercher une vie meilleure et de suivre les développemen.....

Dear Dr. Sibylle Machat,

Thank you for your response to my
e-mail, email. I am so happy to hear that my BA fulfills the admission requirementrequirements.

I have some other questions about the application procedure;
My first question is, do I
haveneed to translate my BA degree and other documents into English or German .....

Vous nous avez informé vouloir résiliérésilier votre {$service_product_name} rattaché au nom de domaine : {$service_domain} pour le motif suivant : {$service_suspension_reason}.
Cet e-mail a pour but de confirmer que nous avons bien reçu votre demande de résiliation du service indiqué ci-dessous.
Votre dem

Dear Olivier,

HopeI hope this email finds you well,.

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Julien Anid, the Power Platform Consultant at Exquitech. I
have received your contact information from our Partner Technical Artichet Dynamics 365.

We have a customer subscribed with Hootsuite and we have a pr

Vegetable oils are extracted from plants in general, whether plant seeds, grains or legumes. Since these oils are not volatile (they do not evaporate easily) they are just as stable as essential oils. Vegetable oils have many uses in all fields,; instead of including many of them in other industries .....

One of the most magical places on earth is a small island called Sri Lanka. With glowing gold beaches, warm waters, lush vegetation, you can experience all kinds of wetherweather with in 5 hours,. It has amazing wild life with rivers, beautiful waterfalls beyond beauty, amazing natural resources from gems to beyond more.....

FirstlyFirst, the main purpose of communication with patients in nursing is to establish therapeutic relationships between nurses and patients (Chang & Daly, 2016). However, there is a challenge for new graduate nurses thatcan be challenged when building a relationship is not eligible effectively if the patients are not ablestifled by patients' inability to speak English well and also h, which cre.....

Please be advised that the model offered in the Taiwanese Technical Mission Bid, was the RE6501 and not the RP6502. Both models, in comparison with requested requirements on bid, can fulfill that solution, such as:
1. Simultaneous touch points
2. Interactive writing board and white board application

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